Medically Reviewed

How Long Marijuana Withdrawal Takes: A Timeline

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Medically Reviewed: April 26, 2021

Medical Reviewer

Chief Editor


All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

People choose to give up marijuana for a variety of reasons.  Learning to live without marijuana can be an important decision, whether you are looking to get sober for work, health reasons, or to work towards other goals.

Quitting marijuana can be difficult for people who have been using it heavily or for a long time. You may experience a range of uncomfortable symptoms during the marijuana withdrawal timeline. Quitting takes commitment and self-care. Understanding the withdrawal symptoms you might experience and knowing when they are likely to occur may make the withdrawal period easier.

Once you have committed to giving up marijuana, you may begin to plan for the withdrawal period. Making sure you have the support you need during this time and taking steps to enhance your environment can make you as comfortable as possible and avoid relapse.

Withdrawal from Marijuana

Being informed about common symptoms of marijuana withdrawal can help you prepare for the duration of the timeline. Common symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include:[1]

  • Cravings
  • Mood changes–irritability, depression, anxiety
  • Nightmares
  • Sleep disturbance or insomnia
  • Flu-like malaise
  • Increased aggression
  • Sweating
  • Shaking
  • Nausea
  • Headache

These symptoms can be uncomfortable and may occur at different points of the withdrawal timeline. Understanding what is common may help you prepare to make yourself more comfortable during this time. You can also remind yourself that these symptoms are uncomfortable but not dangerous and that they will pass in time.

Marijuana Withdrawal Timeline

Planning for your withdrawal from marijuana can give you the best chance of stopping your use and staying as comfortable as possible during this time. You may experience different symptoms at different stages. Your symptoms can also vary depending on how much marijuana you used or how frequently you used it. This is a general timeline of what you might experience during marijuana withdrawal.

Day One

Many people find that the first day is one of the hardest to get through. On day one, you may experience very intense cravings for marijuana. Many people experience stomach pain or nausea, a complete loss of appetite, and sweating.

Knowing that the first day might be difficult, you can prepare for it. Choose a day where you don’t have to work or care for family members, if possible. Plan on distractions and make sure you do not have access to marijuana when your cravings will be strong.

One Week

The first week can be challenging, and you may experience a range of uncomfortable symptoms. These may include:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Cravings

Generally, cravings may be more intense until the middle of the first week. Focus on self-care during this week by eating well, staying busy, staying hydrated, and limiting your exposure to people or situations that may trigger a relapse.

2-4 Weeks

After you make it through two full weeks of the marijuana withdrawal timeline, you may find that your symptoms begin to lessen and you feel more comfortable. However, many people find that they still suffer from nightmares or sleep disturbances during these weeks. Some people also struggle with depression or anxiety.

After a Month

After a full month without marijuana, you will find that most of your withdrawal symptoms have stopped. Some people still experience stomach issues, including nausea, from time to time. You may still have nightmares, restlessness, or depression after a month, but these symptoms will likely be less intense than in the beginning.

Getting support from a substance abuse counselor can be helpful as you learn to manage life without using marijuana. Talking about your symptoms and getting tips about how to handle challenges may help you have a successful, comfortable withdrawal period.

What Can Affect the Marijuana Withdrawal Timeline?

Everyone’s withdrawal from marijuana will be different. Many factors affect the length and severity of the symptoms you experience during this period.[2] These include:

  • The amount of marijuana you used
  • The frequency you used it
  • Gender
  • Mental health issues like depression and anxiety
  • Environmental factors
  • Support system
  • Genetics
  • Other substances you used

Talking to a professional about how long marijuana withdrawal takes and getting support can be a crucial part of overcoming your substance use and maintaining sobriety for life. The more support and education you have, the better.

Learn about what to expect and plan for it. Practice good self-care and stay focused on what you will gain by giving up marijuana. Taking steps to understand and prepare for your withdrawal period will give you the best chance at total recovery. Getting support from a substance abuse counselor is a good first step to take.

Start Your Recovery Journey at PAX Memphis Recovery Center

If you or someone you love needs support to withdraw from marijuana, please reach out to the compassionate staff at PAX Memphis Recovery Center. We work to empower people to learn how live full, healthy lives without using substances.

If you are ready to take the first step in your recovery journey, we will walk the rest of the way with you. Please call today to speak with one of our helpful admissions counselors today.

