Medically Reviewed

Where to Find 60-Day Rehab in Memphis, TN

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Medically Reviewed: March 28, 2024

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All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Addiction is a serious condition that causes people to have a hard time controlling how much of a substance they abuse. Long-term addiction can lead to a variety of consequences, including serious health conditions and overdoses. Unfortunately, addiction is common, affecting 48.7 million people in 2022.

If you or a loved one struggles with a substance use disorder, it’s time to seek help. There are plenty of options when it comes to drug and alcohol rehab centers, including 30, 60, or 90-day rehab programs.

One of the most popular choices for treatment in Memphis is a 60-day rehab program. These treatment facilities offer enough time for you to address the root causes of your addiction and develop important coping mechanisms to avoid relapse.

Finding a 60-day treatment program can be difficult if you’ve never been to a rehab facility before. There are a few ways to go about it. You can either work with your health insurance, get a referral from your therapist, or work with a company like PAX Memphis to find a rehab center that suits your needs.

What is 60-Day Rehab?

60-day rehab programs allow you to receive addiction recovery services for a total of 60 days. You will engage in individual therapy, group counseling, psychoeducational support groups, aftercare plans, and more. When you choose a 60-day rehab, you ensure that you will have enough time to develop the skills you need to recover.

There are two levels of care when it comes to 60-day rehab. You can either choose an inpatient program or outpatient treatment. Inpatient requires you to live at the facility, while outpatient allows you to live in the comfort of your own home.

It is important to note that studies suggest that treatment is most effective when you attend for at least 90 days. However, some people cannot take three months off of work. If you find yourself in this situation, a 60-day drug rehab center might be right for you.

Should You Attend Inpatient or Outpatient 60-Day Rehab?

When you are considering attending a 60-day rehab, you have to decide whether you want inpatient or outpatient treatment. Since you are attending treatment for less than 90 days, it is recommended that you choose inpatient care. Additionally, if you have co-occurring disorders like depression or PTSD, inpatient is the right choice.

However, some people might find success in an outpatient program. If you need to continue working a part-time job or caring for your family, outpatient might be right for you. These programs allow you to attend treatment sessions 3 to 5 days per week while offering more free time to care for outside responsibilities.

You also want to consider whether you need medical detox services. Some 60-day rehabs offer detoxification while others require you to attend a separate program beforehand.

If you are having a hard time deciding between inpatient and outpatient rehab, an addiction expert at PAX Memphis can assist you. We can assess your personal needs and make an informed decision on what level of care you need for your 60-day rehab program.

Where Can You Find 60-Day Rehab in Memphis?

60-day treatment centers can be found all around the city of Memphis. But how do you find one that suits your needs?

There are many ways to find a 60-day rehab program, including speaking with your insurance, asking a medical professional for a referral, and working with an organization like PAX Memphis.

Speak to Your Insurance

If you have health insurance, you can ask your provider for a list of in-network 60-day rehab programs. Doing this will ensure that the facilities you are considering are covered by your insurance. Since rehab can be expensive, this might be the best way to find a treatment center that suits your financial needs.

Ask for a Referral From Your Therapist

If you do not have insurance but you see a therapist regularly, you could ask them for a referral. This can be especially helpful if your therapist is familiar with your substance abuse history. Because they know what you have struggled with, they can make an informed decision on what type of 60-day rehab program is right for you.

Work With PAX Memphis

Lastly, you can always choose to work with a referral service like PAX Memphis. We have working relationships with countless 60-day treatment centers in the area. Our admissions counselors can give you an in-depth assessment to determine your specific needs and choose the best rehab program for your situation.

If you plan on attending multiple levels of care like inpatient, outpatient, and sober living, we can set this up for you as well. Our addiction treatment experts will ensure that each program starts immediately after you complete the first.

Additionally, we can choose a program that accepts your insurance. To get started in your recovery process, contact PAX Memphis today.

Get Connected to 60-Day Rehab in Memphis Today

If you or a loved one suffers from addiction, it’s time to consider professional treatment. 60-day rehab programs are ideal for people who need intensive treatment services. Whether you struggle with addiction or have co-occurring mental health disorders, a 60-day program can help you recover.

At PAX Memphis, we can connect you with a 60-day rehab center that suits your needs. We will assess you based on your physical and mental health as well as your history of substance abuse. If you need a program that specializes in mental health, trauma-informed care, or something else, we can secure that for you as well.

Contact us today to get connected with a top-rated 60-day rehab program in Memphis.