Medically Reviewed

How to Cope With Alcohol Withdrawal Shakes

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Medically Reviewed: August 7, 2024

Medical Reviewer

Chief Editor


All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that can cause symptoms like dizziness, drowsiness, euphoria, and loss of coordination. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to physical dependence and addiction. If you are drinking large amounts of alcohol regularly, you might develop an alcohol use disorder.

Alcoholism causes an array of health issues, from increased mental health symptoms to liver damage and even a higher risk of certain cancers. Even when you stop drinking, you are at risk of experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms. As a result, you should always seek help from a medical detox center.

If you notice that you become shaky and experience hand tremors when you are not consuming alcohol, you might be experiencing withdrawal. While alcohol withdrawal shakes are not dangerous by themselves, they indicate that you need support from a medical detox center. If you let your withdrawal symptoms progress, you could end up experiencing seizures and even hallucinations.

In addition to attending detox, there are some ways to cope with alcohol shakes. You should make sure to stay hydrated, eat healthy foods, get enough rest, and take care of your stress levels. Doing these things will lessen the severity of your withdrawal symptoms and make the shakiness easier to deal with.

What you will learn:

  • What are alcohol withdrawal shakes
  • Why medical detox is important
  • How to cope with withdrawal shakes

What are Alcohol Withdrawal Shakes?

When you are dependent on alcohol, your brain and body begin to rely on the substance to function properly. Alcohol causes a depressant effect, which means your brain has to work harder to sustain bodily functions like heart rate and respiration. When you stop consuming alcohol, the absence of the sedating effect will lead to an over-excited central nervous system (CNS) that manifests in the form of withdrawal symptoms.

A common symptom of alcohol withdrawal is uncontrollable shaking in your hands. You might also hear them referred to as tremors. Typically, the shakes begin 6 to 10 hours after the last drink and become the most severe around 48 to 72 hours of withdrawal.[1]

Other signs of alcohol withdrawal include:[2]

  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Increased symptoms of depression
  • Irritability and jumpiness
  • Shaking or tremors
  • Mood swings
  • Nightmares
  • Being unable to think clearly
  • Excessive sweating and clamminess
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Rapid heart rate and changes in blood pressure
  • Delirium tremens (DTs), a severe form of alcohol withdrawal that causes delirium, hallucinations, and seizures

While alcohol withdrawal shakes are prevalent, they can also indicate a larger problem. Shaking and tremors can be a common sign of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (WKS) or “wet brain.”[3] This is a memory and brain disorder caused by alcohol withdrawal that requires immediate medical attention.

Tips for Coping With Alcohol Shakes

If you are dealing with alcohol withdrawal shakes, the first thing you should do is attend detox. Withdrawing from alcohol is never easy, which means even during detox you might need some extra tips for coping with your symptoms.

If you are dealing with withdrawal shakes, you should:

Attend Medical Detox

Alcohol shakes can either be a sign of routine withdrawal or indicate a larger problem like WKS. As a result, you should never attempt to overcome withdrawal shakes on your own. Medical detox centers will offer you treatments like IV fluids, vitals monitoring, psychological support, and medications to control your withdrawal symptoms.

Examples of medications that detox centers use to help you cope with alcohol shakes include:[4]

  • Beta-blockers like propranolol
  • Vitamin infusions that include thiamine to reduce the risk of WKS
  • Benzodiazepines to slowly taper you off of alcohol

Take Care of Your Body

In addition to attending detox, you should make sure to care for your body. Eating healthily, getting enough water, and resting can lessen symptoms like tremors. You should also consider consuming more vitamins, taking advantage of nutritional counseling, and avoiding sugar while you are dealing with the shakes.

Medical detox programs will help you take care of your body by encouraging healthier habits. They will also provide services like nutritional counseling, gyms for exercising, and vitamin replacement infusions. Attending detox is the best way to cope with alcohol withdrawal shakes.

Relieve Stress

It is common to feel stressed out during the early stages of alcohol withdrawal. After all, you are giving up a substance that you are addicted to – which can be extremely scary. That said, taking steps to relieve your stress might lessen the symptoms you are experiencing.

To relieve stress during medical detox, you should:

  • Attend regular therapy sessions
  • Engage in holistic services like meditation, mindfulness, and massage or acupuncture
  • Keep a journal to track patterns of negative thought
  • Ask for support from your peers or loved ones
  • Engage in exercise to relieve physical tension and clear your mind

Engage in Self-Care Techniques

Alcohol tremors are never easy to cope with, but improving your self-care habits can make them easier to overcome. When you are in a medical detox center, you will receive medications to lessen your withdrawal symptoms. While medication can improve symptoms like shaking, they might not fully go away.

If you are still dealing with tremors, you should continue to practice self-care. You could engage in activities that help you feel calm, like taking a bath or a hot shower. It is also helpful to partake in activities that distract you, like reading a book, drawing, or exercising.

Find Help for Alcohol Withdrawal

If you or a loved one is a heavy drinker, you could be struggling with an alcohol use disorder. The long-term effects of alcohol addiction are extensive, including organ damage, increased risks of cancer, and worsened mental health symptoms. Because of this, you should always seek professional help.

The first step in recovery from alcoholism is medical detox. These programs will help you overcome withdrawal symptoms like tremors by providing you with IV fluids, monitoring your vitals, and offering medications. Once you complete detox, you can transition into an inpatient or outpatient rehab center to overcome the root causes of your alcohol use disorder.

At PAX Memphis, we can connect you with a medical detox center that will help you cope with alcohol withdrawal shakes. Contact us today to learn more about how to get started.


  1. Research Gate: Introduction to Alcohol Withdrawal
  2. Medline Plus: Alcohol withdrawal 
  3. Medscape: Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
  4. The American Family Physician: Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome