Medically Reviewed

How Long Does Kratom Stay in Your System?

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Medically Reviewed: September 7, 2024

Medical Reviewer

Chief Editor


All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Kratom is a tropical tree that is native to Southeast Asia.[1] In the United States, people have begun to consume kratom leaves to experience mind-altering effects. In low doses, Kratom causes stimulating effects, while high doses cause symptoms similar to opioids.

Because high doses of kratom can mimic the effects of opioids, some people use it to overcome opioid use disorder. Unfortunately, kratom is not approved for this use and is known to cause dependency and addiction. Additionally, it is not regulated by the FDA, which makes it risky to abuse in any manner.

If you or a loved one misuses kratom, you might be wondering how long it stays in your system. Kratom has a half-life of 24 hours, which means it can stay in your body for 5 days.[2] That said, specific drug tests can detect it for a longer period.

For example, the detection window for kratom varies from 24 hours to 90 days depending on the type of test being used. It is important to note that a 10-panel drug test must be used to test for kratom.

What you will learn:

  • How long the effects of kratom last
  • What the half-life of kratom is
  • How long drug tests can detect kratom
  • What factors play a role in how long kratom stays in your system

How Long Do the Effects of Kratom Last?

People can drink kratom, smoke it, or swallow it in a capsule. The amount of time the effects last depends on the method of administration used. For example, smoking kratom will cause immediate effects, while swallowing it takes 30 to 60 minutes to begin experiencing effects.

No matter how you abuse kratom, the symptoms will last between 2 to 8 hours. The effects of kratom may include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Itchy skin
  • Excessive sweating
  • Dizziness and drowsiness
  • Feelings of euphoria
  • Increased energy and focus
  • Insomnia
  • Chattiness

Kratom can also cause extreme adverse reactions. According to the DEA, “Several cases of psychosis resulting from the use of kratom have been reported, where individuals addicted to kratom exhibited psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations, delusion, and confusion.”[1] Because of this, you should seek professional help if you are struggling with kratom addiction.

How Long Can Drug Tests Detect Kratom?

Kratom has a half-life of 24 hours. It can take up to 4 to 5 half-lives for your body to eliminate a substance. This means that kratom can stay in your system for up to 5 days.

While kratom leaves your system after 5 days, it leaves behind metabolites of kratom alkaloids. 10-panel drug tests can detect these metabolites for a longer period depending on the type of test being used.


Urine tests are the most commonly used drug tests as they are minimally invasive and relatively cheap. You might be given a urine drug test if you are in rehab, trying to secure a job, or visiting a parole officer. Urine drug tests can detect kratom in urine for up to 7 days after your last dose.


Saliva drug tests are not used as commonly as urine screenings because they are less reliable. When it comes to kratom, the metabolites do not remain in your saliva for a long time. Because of this, saliva tests are not used to detect kratom in your system.


Blood tests are used less frequently than urine tests because they are invasive. Additionally, the detection window is usually shorter. That said, hospitals might use them to determine if a substance is affecting your condition.

Blood tests can detect kratom in your body for 24 to 48 hours after your last dose.


Lastly, many medical professionals shy away from hair tests for two reasons. First, they are expensive to send off to the lab to be analyzed. Additionally, they tend to be unreliable because they might discriminate based on factors like hair color.

Despite this, some high-security clearance jobs still use hair tests for drug screens because they offer a long detection period. Hair tests can detect any substance, including kratom, for up to 90 days after your last dose.

What Factors Affect How Long Kratom Stays in Your System?

The amount of time kratom stays in your body can vary from person to person. Factors like your metabolic rate can play a role in how long kratom remains in your body. Knowing this information can help you understand that it is difficult to determine exactly when things like withdrawal symptoms will arise.

The factors that affect how long kratom stays in your system include:

  • Frequency and duration of use
  • The dose you consume
  • The strain of kratom you are using
  • Method of administration
  • Overall health and age
  • Weight and body fat percentage
  • The health of your liver and kidneys
  • Hydration and nutrition levels

The only way to pass a drug test for kratom is to remain abstinent. Using products like “detox drinks” or drinking excessive amounts of water will only dilute the test and lead to an inconclusive result. In other words, trying to beat a drug test will only cause you to have to retake it.

Find Help for Kratom Abuse and Addiction

If you or a loved one suffers from kratom addiction, it’s time to seek help. At PAX Memphis, we connect people with the addiction care they need. Our addiction specialists can provide you with an assessment to determine which treatment center is right for you.

Contact us today for more information on how to get connected to a kratom addiction treatment program.


  1. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA): Kratom
  2. Science Direct: Pharmacokinetics of mitragynine, a major analgesic alkaloid in kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): A systematic review