Am I An Alcoholic If I Enjoy Drinking Alone?

Written By PAX Memphis Recovery Center - February 5th, 2021

Alcohol is often viewed as a social beverage because most scenes in which alcohol is…


Zubsolv vs. Suboxone

Written By PAX Memphis Recovery Center - February 2nd, 2021

Buprenorphine was originally approved by the FDA in 2002 to treat opioid addiction in medication-assisted…


Subutex (Buprenorphine) Side Effects and Withdrawal Symptoms

Written By PAX Memphis Recovery Center - January 28th, 2021

Subutex (buprenorphine) is a prescription opioid medication that is available to some patients who are…

PAX Memphis Recovery Center

How Long Does Suboxone Stay in Your System?

Written By PAX Memphis Recovery Center - January 27th, 2021

If you or a loved one have researched treatment for opioid addiction, you have probably…


Should I Attend A Detox Center for Antidepressant Withdrawal?

Written By PAX Memphis Recovery Center - January 25th, 2021

Most people think of drug withdrawal in terms of addiction and drug abuse, however, there…


Addiction and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Written By PAX Memphis Recovery Center - January 22nd, 2021

Table of Contents Toggle What is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? What Causes Borderline Personality Disorder?…


Codeine Withdrawal Timeline

Written By PAX Memphis Recovery Center - January 18th, 2021

The codeine withdrawal timeline varies from one person to the next but most people will…


How Long Does Subutex Stay in Your System?

Written By PAX Memphis Recovery Center - January 12th, 2021

Subutex (buprenorphine) is a prescription opioid medication that is approved by the FDA to help…


Signs Someone is Shooting Up Drugs

Written By PAX Memphis Recovery Center - January 5th, 2021

Shooting up drugs is one of the most dangerous ways to abuse substances. Intravenous (IV)…


The Relationship Between Avoidant Personality Disorder and Addiction

Written By PAX Memphis Recovery Center - January 4th, 2021

Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is a complex personality disorder that causes people to isolate and…
